We started our 2008-2009 school year this past week. Jon and I have been getting up around 5am and he gets the kids up at 5:30am. Jon and I get ready for the day and then we all eat breakfast together and have devotions before Jon leaves for work. We set our start time for school at 8am and the kids are usually chomping at the bit to get started. We've been really productive. The kids and I rest or nap in the afternoon. The evening is then spent together as a family.
Alright, it's time to award the frog! Drum roll please! And the Super Commenter Award goes to
My Kids Mom !
I am assuming there are no "tag-backs". Otherwise, I would also award this to Damama T. :)
This award was given to me by Damama T
at Damama's at it again! . This award was created by Mamarazzi at
Dandelion Wishes .
Wow! Two awards in a 24 hour period! I'm ALMOST speechless;)
I love commenting on other people's blogs, although sometimes I'm embarrassed at how long my comments grow, LoL.
Thanks so much!
You're welcome!
I don't mind long comments, so don't worry about that.
Hello again:) I don't know how to tranfer (if that's the right word) these awards; I guess I'm showing my ignorance when it comes to anything more than basic posting;) I'm working on figuring it out though, just wanted you to know I DO plan to post it.
If you right click on the image, then you can the click on "save image as...". A window should pop up that already has a title in the title box. Click save and that should save the image to your computer (pictures?). Then you can write your post and insert the image. Don't forget to give credit to the creator of the award.
The award is posted! It was so simple to tranfer the picture, thanks so much for the help, and the award:)
You are very welcome!
Me again:) Just had a questian for you: If your kids get up at 5:30, what time do they go to bed at night? One of my reasons I want to start school a little later in the day (around 9 or so) is because when we get up early, the day seems to be so long. This is particularly true of the days we don't go out during the rainy season.
Church nights (sunday and wednesday) also tend to throw off an earlier bedtime. I'm trying to set up a better schedule for us this year, and just thought I would pick your brain on this. I know you're really busy with home school, so I understand if you don't have time to answer this.
We try to put the kids to bed around 8:00pm when we are getting them up at 5:30am. You're right, it gets crazy on church nights. We'll probably try to have a lighter school day with extra rest time when we get home late from church and other activities. I'll try to post a more thorough schedule of sorts sometime soon. We decided we couldn't keep up with the school schedule and the Olympics at the same time. So, we took a break from our normal so we could watch/learn about the Olympics.
You are right - no tagbacks. LOL! Haven't heard that term in years. LOL!
Give the kids a hug from me and tell them I said to be nice to their teacher cuz she's one of my favorite folks. ;o) xoxo
Thanks Brandi! I would love to see that schedule some time; I'll keep my eyes open for it:)
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