To do before 10:00am
- Devotions (These will be a must!)
- Start the bread. Hmm...maybe I'll start this tonight!
- Get ready for the day.
- Check the dough. Punch it down. Shape it and get it into pans.
- Make sure the children are up and getting ready and feed the pets.
- Fix and eat breakfast (oatmeal and yogurt?).
- Bake the bread.
- Make meatloaf with potatoes and carrots around it.
- Get the bread out. Make sure to put it in the cabinet after it cools a little, so the pets don't help themselves to a treat.
- Put the meatloaf in the oven at a cooler temperature than normal (300 d. ?).
- Get together the children's assignments.
- Clean the kitchen.
10:00 am - ?
- Head out with the children and some of their assignments.
- Reach our destination and start the children on their school work.
- Do what it is that I need to do (the something that came up).
- Call Jon to have him check the meat loaf? I don't want to wake him too early.
- Come home.
- Finish fixing lunch and Jon's work lunch.
- Eat lunch by 2:00 pm.
2:30 - ?
- Jon goes to work. The rest of us take a rest time?
- Chores
- Finish school.
- I guess we'll have to eat supper sometime. Which means I'll have to fix it. Pizza might be quick and easy.
- Brown the ground beef while supper is baking/cooking.
I'd better get started on that list since it's after 12 am already. I'll have to get some sleep sometime soon.
Thanks for putting up with my ramblings.
Please pray for me if you feel so led. My attitude about tomorrow is not what it should be. Thank you!