Saturday, February 2, 2008

Addition Bear, Part II

There is a pocket on the back of the book. I plan on making little cards with activities to use with the book. This is where we'll keep them.
I don't know if you can see it or not, but each bear has all the sum of "n" problems on it corresponding to the number (n) of the bear. Therefore, bear 10 has "0+10= " on one ear; "1+9=" on the other ear; "2+8=, 3+7=, 4+6=, and 5+5=" on one arm; and "6+4=, 7+3=, 8+2=, 9+1=, and 10+0=" on one leg. Lift each flap and the answer "10" is underneath.


Damama T said...

What I said before.. NEAT NEAT NEAT! I love the back pocket idea.

weavermom said...

How cute are those!

Brandi said...

Thanks damama t and weavermom!

Mrs. Darling said...

Lovely idea!

Heidi said...

GREAT idea! I'll have to be sure to remember this one when we get ready for addition!