Monday, March 16, 2009

Monday at the Owings Cafe

Monday is Froggie's day to pray and now her day to help fix a meal. We had Sunflower Scouts tonight, so it was just us five girls. The boys are at my parents' house for the night, and Jon is at work. Froggie wanted to fix pepperoni pizza, but we decided that she could do that next Monday and do something else tonight. We needed something quick and easy. Taco salad was our choice.

Froggie is cutting up a slice of onion while the beef starts to brown.

Froggie puts the chopped cabbage into a serving bowl.

Froggie stirs the seasoned meat and onion.

Froggie shows off the finished product.


Anonymous said...

cabbage on taco salad? did you have no lettuce? Fred would love the substitution, but eww lol

MyKidsMom said...

I'm curious about the cabbage on taco salad as well. I love cabbage myself, and it would add some nice crunch, so I just might give it a try. Hope you had a great time with your girls!

Brandi said...

We did have lettuce, but I use cabbage when I can. I can't remember where I heard of it, but once I tried it I was hooked. I actually prefer the cabbage over the lettuce. Cabbage has more nutrients than iceberg lettuce (including vitamin C). Sometimes we still do lettuce for Jon, but he's even willing to eat it with cabbage. It didn't hurt that cabbage was 19 cents/lb. this week.


We did have a good time. I let them stay up to watch a movie, but that was a mistake. We all got up late today.

The Watts Family said...

Wow Dinner Looks Great!! Good Job!

Anonymous said...

well, I love cabbage as long as it's raw, but I have an allergic reaction to it after it's cooked so I'd be all worried about the hot meat too close to it lol

Looks like miss goober grape did a great job and had fun too! :)

Cabbage sale was nice, I'm gonna make some cole slaw in the next day or two.

Damama T said...

I would never have thought of using cabbage in ANYTHING but slaw. And I love the stuff, too. Now I'm gonna have to try to sneak it by Hubby sometime. heh heh heh... He will eat healthier and maybe not even realize it! mwahaahaahaa!!

Froggie is becoming one lovely young lady. Like mother, like daughter!