Baby Bear asked my mom to make a Tigger cake for his party.
He asked me to make a Pooh Bear cake for the day of his birthday.
The darker spots on the legs were where the icing was getting too warm and I put off changing it. The eyebrows are yellow because BB wanted them to be "my color" ( read BB's favorite color). This was my first attempt at a shaped cake. Thanks mom for loaning me the pan and tips and making the icing for me. You saved me a lot of time.
Hmm . . . I guess I could have flipped the cake pictures.
Baby Bear's birthday served as a reminder that my youngest daughter Monkey will be eight next month and my oldest Froggie will be thirteen next month. Tears are coming to my eyes as I type this. Is the fourth week of the month soon? I need my nursery duty baby fix.
We did some Christmas decorating yesterday. We now have our manger scene cut-out and spotlight in our yard (I'll see about posting a picture later. My mil gave us the cut-out as a gift last year.) We have some of our smaller decorations displayed. Our tree is up and a curtain set that I got to keep the drafts from our back room out coordinates with the colors on our tree. Kitty Kat and the other kids worked together to put the tree together. Jon just had to help put the top section on. Jon and I put on the lights and ribbon garland. Jon then put a few special ornaments on the tree and then took the time to explain the symbolism of our tree to the children. I'll do a new post of the symbols.
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