Saturday, December 15, 2007

I am truly disappointed.

The kids and I have been comparing and contrasting books and the movies based on those books. Two major series we have or are going through are Laura Ingalls Wilder's LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE series and Janette Oke's LOVE COMES SOFTLY series .

The LITTLE HOUSE shows sort of mix everything from the books all together and then add to it. There are enough things that are different that we are able to have some really great discussions. This is especially true because we are still reading through the books. I read the books as a child. I also read the books to the kids several years ago, but they forgot about them or were too young to remember. Baby Bear was a new born baby. The older girls do remember some.

The LOVE COMES SOFTLY movie series is a major disappointment. The first movie was pretty close to the book with some changes such as Missie's age being wrong. The rest of the movies are way off. It's like the person or people who wrote the movie script never read the books for themselves. Perhaps it was like the game "telephone". One person read the book and told someone else about it. That person told another person and so on and so forth until the story was so distorted that it's a wonder they got anything at all right. One daughter asked permission to stop watching one of the movies this afternoon. We tried to watch it as if we had never read the books, but we just couldn't do it.

For those who know me, you probably can understand where my disappointment stems from. I was such a big Janette Oke fan as a teen that I named my pet dwarf hamsters Etta and Okee.

Why oh why didn't they consult me before writing the movie scripts?

I wasn't even a bit melodramatic. Was I?


Anonymous said...

lol those were some crazy hamsters too

Brandi said...

That they were.